Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 2013 Bronze Problem 2: Cow Baseball

Result: 1/10 *xxxxxxxxx

N2 log N time might be too slow.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#define loopi(x) loop_start(i,x,0)
#define loopj(x) loop_start(j,x,0)
#define loop_start(i, x,s) for(int i = (s); i < (x); ++i)
#define loop_rev(a,x,stop) for(int a = (x); a >= (stop); --a)

using namespace std;

int int_compare(const void *a, const void *b){
 return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;

int main() {
 ofstream fout ("baseball.out");
 ifstream fin ("baseball.in");
 // Read positions
 int N;
 fin >> N;
 int *positions = new int[N];
  fin >> positions[i];
 vector<int> p(positions, positions + N);
 // Sort positions
 sort(p.begin(), p.end());
 // Process the list
 int possibilities = 0;
 Find triples that match: a < b < c, (b-a) <= (c-b) <= 2(b-a)

 (b-a) <= (c-b): b - a <= c - b : 2b <= a + c
 a >= 2b - c
 b <= (a + c) / 2: b - a <= (c - a) / 2
 c >= 2b - a
 (c-b) <= 2(b-a): c - b <= 2b - 2a: c + 2a <= 3b
 a <= (3b-c)/2
 b >= (2a+c)/3: b - a >= (c - a) / 2
 c <= 3b - 2a

 a  b  c  a  b     c
 |--|--|  OR |--|-----|
 b - a must be within 1/3 and 1/2 of c - a
 loop_start(a, N - 2, 0){
  loop_start(c, N, a + 2){
   int min_index = lower_bound(p.begin(), p.end(), (2 * p[a] + p[c] + 2)/3) - p.begin(); // round up
   if(min_index <= a) continue;
   int max_index = upper_bound(p.begin(), p.end(), (p[a] + p[c]) / 2) - p.begin();
   if(max_index >= c) continue;
   possibilities += max_index - min_index + 1;
 fout << possibilities << endl;
 delete[] positions;
 return 0;

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