Friday, February 14, 2014

February 2014 Bronze Problem 1: Mirror Field

Result: 8/10 **x*x*****

This is actually more difficult than Problem 2, which I completed first.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#define loopi(x) loop_start(i,x,0)
#define loopj(x) loop_start(j,x,0)
#define loop_start(i,x,s) for(int i = (s); i < (x); ++i)
#define loop_rev(a,x,stop) for(int a = (x); a >= (stop); --a)

using namespace std;

int N, M; // [1, 1000]
int num_mirrors, max_depth;
char *grid;

// + = right and down
int length(int x, int y, char dx, char dy)
 int pos = x + y * M;
 int depth = 1;
  // Loop limit
  if(depth > max_depth) return -1;
  // Bounce
  if(grid[pos] == '/')
   if(dy) { dx = -dy; dy = 0; }
   else   { dy = -dx; dx = 0; }
  else // '\'
   if(dy) { dx = +dy; dy = 0; }
   else   { dy = +dx; dx = 0; }
  // Check if it leaves the board
   if(dy > 0) // down
    if(y >= N)
     return depth;
    pos += M;
   else // up
    //if(y - 1 < 0) -> (y < 1) -> y <= 0
     return depth;
    pos -= M;
   if(dx > 0) // right
    if(x >= M)
     return depth;
   else // left
    //if(x - 1 < 0) -> (x < 1) -> (x <= 0)
     return depth;
  // Continue the loop
 return depth;

int best_path(){
 int longest = 0;
#define test(a, b, c, d) { \
  int result = length(a, b, c, d); \
  if(result == -1) return -1; \
  else if(result > longest) \
   longest = result; \
 // Top
 loopi(M) test(i,     0,      0, +1)
 // Bottom
 loopi(M) test(i,     N - 1,  0, -1)
 // Left
 loopi(N) test(0,     i,     +1,  0)
 // Right
 loopi(N) test(N - 1, i,     -1,  0)
 return longest;

int main() {
 ofstream fout ("mirror.out");
 ifstream fin ("");
 // Read input
 fin >> N >> M;
 num_mirrors = N * M;
 max_depth = num_mirrors << 1; // some mirrors can be reflected on their back side
 grid = new char[num_mirrors];
  fin >> grid[i];
 // Calculate output
 fout << best_path() << endl;
 return 0;

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