Friday, May 23, 2014

April (US Open) 2014 Silver Problem 1: Fair Photography

Result: 6/10 *****t*ttt

I'm not sure how to implement this faster.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#define loopi(x) loop_start(i,x,0)
#define loopj(x) loop_start(j,x,0)
#define loop_start(i,x,s) for(int i = (s); i < (x); ++i)
#define loop_rev(a,x,stop) for(int a = (x); a >= (stop); --a)

using namespace std;

struct cow {
 unsigned int pos;
 bool W;
 static int compare (const cow * a, const cow * b)
  return a->pos - b->pos;

int N;
cow *cows;

int max_span(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int W, unsigned int S) {
 // there must be at least one W
 if(!W) return 0;
 if(W < S) {
  unsigned int surplus = S - W;
  do {
   if(!cows[a].W) {
    if(!cows[b].W && (cows[b].pos - cows[b-1].pos) < (cows[a+1].pos - cows[a].pos))
     goto USEB;
   } else if(!cows[b].W) {
  } while(surplus);
   return max(max_span(a+1, b, W-1, S), max_span(a, b-1, W-1, S));
  return cows[b].pos - cows[a].pos;
 else {
  if ((W & 1) == (S & 1))
   // solved!
   return cows[b].pos - cows[a].pos;
   // remove left or right
   return max(cows[b-1].pos - cows[a].pos, cows[b].pos - cows[a+1].pos);

int main() {
 ofstream fout ("fairphoto.out");
 ifstream fin ("");
 fin >> N;
 cows = new cow[N];
 unsigned int W = 0, S = 0;
 loopi(N) {
  char type;
  fin >> cows[i].pos >> type;
  if((cows[i].W = (type == 'W'))) ++W;
  else ++S;
 qsort(cows, N, sizeof(cow), (int (*) (const void * a, const void * b)) cow::compare);
 fout << max_span(0, N-1, W, S) << endl;
 return 0;

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